Vision & Plan


The Purpose of Friends of Camden Meadow is to care for this land - no longer forgotten, but clearly and visibly being managed and maintained.

Our Vision is not to turn back time and restore the land as a pristine lawn - that would be almost impossible from its current state and, besides, there is no shortage of neatly lawned crescents in Bath.  Rather, our Vision is to nurture and manage Camden Meadow as a sustainable and biodiverse habitat - a space for nature in the urban fabric of the City.  A space no longer dominated by light-hogging hazel and laurel, but a place where a wide variety of native plant species can take root and thrive - and where wildlife can co-exist and flourish.  And to do all of this in a way that opens up the expansive, beautiful views from this elevated position over the Avon Valley and the City.

[For those with an urban design interest, this vision chimes with one of the design principles of Georgian Bath, Rus in Urbe]

Work Plan

This is our incremental work plan, to help us focus our efforts and use our volunteer resources most effectively.

Phase 1:  'Tame the Jungle' (2021)

Phase 2:  'Care & Manage' (2022 onward)

Get involved; be part of the Vision.  If you have ideas that you would like to contribute, please let us know.  Use the Join page to contact us.