Friends of Camden Meadow

'Friends of Camden Meadow'

Friends of Camden Meadow was established by local resident, John Long, in 2021 with the support of Bath & North East Somerset Council.  It is an open group for local people who would like to be part of the long term management and vision for this little patch of our neighbourhood.


There are various such ‘Friends’ groups linked to parks and open spaces in Bath, the best nearby example being the adjacent Friends of Hedgemead Park.  Being a Friends group confers some rights and responsibilities.  The Council recognises us as the local body linked to this site.  They work with us as partners, helping to facilitate our long term Vision for the land, and consulting with us before making any decisions which affect it.  Being a Friends group also opens up the prospect of extending our activities over time, for instance, perhaps applying for grant funding to support our work.


Take a look at the Contact / Join page for current membership criteria and to get involved...